The pandemic threw the world a curveball this year. Many sectors are still grasping the ‘new normal’ and what that means for their employees, clients, and office space. We are more than halfway through the year and with any luck, things will continue to get better. That being said, if you haven’t started already, it’s about time to look at your 2021 real estate marketing plan goals to stay ahead of the competition.
For a real estate professional, building a relationship with people that are clients or could be your clients is vital to building and growing a sustainable company. It’s important to find creative ways to nurture those relationships and simple digital strategies like email nurturing and newsletters are great when we can’t all meet face to face.
When it comes to finding new clients, we also believe that data, metrics and social media are more important than ever, especially given current circumstances to help reach people. For many real estate professionals, we hear that they expect that getting started with online advertising is hard, and also seems less personal. With the right tools and knowing your audience, it’ll be as if you never left a client’s side. We help Real Estate Brokers use social media to list their properties using a virtual showroom in which the Real Estate Brokers are able to communicate with potential buyers, all through Facebook and Instagram. It’s a cloud-based, programmatic ad tech platform to deliver cost-effective results with automation on Facebook. For example, a Colorado-based Real Estate Broker did a trial on the platform and in just one week, garnered over 13,000 views, over 7,000 social actions (think clicks, shares, comments, likes) from just a video tour. Her single image Ad had a click-through rate of 16.44% and 24 direct leads to contact about buying that home – and this was just before social distancing rules went into place.

Reach out to us today to discuss how our platform should be a part of your 2021 marketing plan.